Thursday, May 13, 2010

What I Learned

My project consisted of determining whether wildlife areas are better conserved or used for recreational purposes. I figured out the pros and cons of both sides of the argument through my five small sources, two videos, book, and interview. The first major part of my project was the book I read, America’s Wild Woodlands. It discussed the multiple major forests in American and the dangers that each of them were facing. Another major area of my project was my interview of Officer Matthew Crum, a park ranger at Oak Mountain State Park. He informed me that there are already 220 laws protecting state parks, which was very surprising to me. I learn much, but the most interesting thing was that only two million acres of the original 950 million acres of forest remain in the United States.

There were many important things I learned throughout this project. One point is that logging greatly impacts forests. Logging areas are 80 to 90 acres in size and they can take out huge chunks of land one piece at a time. Another thing I learned was that most national parks promote human-powered activities that do not harm the environment. Additionally, the majority of visitors to state and national parks are interested in respecting and caring for the land. All of these facts have influenced my final opinion on my topic. I have decided that most recreation is good for wildlife areas and the small percentage that is not good for the land does not have as much of an effect as I thought it did. Also, the main significant thing that impacts wildlife areas is logging, which people are working to control.

I was overall pleased with the way my project turned out. There was not that much that I would have done differently. One thing that I would have done differently is that I wish I would have planned more for the interview. The one I did was fine, but I would have preferred to have gone to a national park instead of a state park. I think it would have given me a better perspective on the national impact of recreation. Besides this, I would not have done anything else differently.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Conservation in Oak Mountain State Park

I interviewed Officer Matthew Crum, a park ranger at Oak Mountain State Park in Pelham, Alabama. As a ranger, he acts as a law enforcement officer who can issue tickets in the park. He also acts as a conservationist and does many nature programs for kids. He stated that more than ten thousand people visit the park each year. For that reason, he says, “There are 220 laws that are passed through legislation just for the protection of state parks.” When asked about people harming the environment, he said that the only problem they have is poaching. He added that the majority of people who come to the park respect and care for it.

There was much I learned by interviewing this park ranger. Originally, I thought that pollution from the cars would cause a problem in the park, but I found out that the park is 9940 acres in size and 90 percent is not covered by road. It was interesting to learn how the park uses prescribe burnings to protect the land from raging wildfires and to allow the undergrowth to flourish. There was much I thought I knew but really did not. This experience showed me that even though parks are always in danger, most people want to help, not harm, the environment.

Crum, Matthew. "Conservation in Oak Mountain State Park." Personal interview. 30 Apr. 2010.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

America's Woodlands and Its Preservation

In the National Geographic Society’s book America’s Wild Woodlands, five different forests found in the United States are discussed. The book tells of the forests’ ecology, problems, and the measures taken to conserve these woodlands. First, the book conveys the diversity in the Mixed Forests of the Northeast. Second, the Eastern Deciduous Forests and its endangerment because of herbicides and logging are explained. The next section breaks down the hypnotizing everglades of the Forests of the Coastal Plain. Then, the book discusses the fire threatened Mountain Forests of the Rockies. The last part reports on the biggest, tallest, and oldest trees of the California and Northwest Forests that are most vulnerable to harm. Throughout the book, the multiple forests of America and scientists’ efforts to save them are all emphasized.
Every forest discussed has its own unique characteristics. Many have rare plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. In Northeast Forests, much of the original timber is gone because of heavy forest use. This should open people’s eyes about the diminishing forest. Also, the steadily increasing air pollution leads to the release of toxic aluminum from the soil. This runoff kills fish and other important aquatic life. I agree completely with the book when it says, “Without stronger air quality controls, more damage may lie ahead” (19). I know much work has been put forth in trying to find ways to reduce pollution, but there is always more everyone can do.
A group called the Bureau of Land Management has been established to preserve the Northwest Forests. It started the Nature Conservancy project which set aside land for ecological research and education through nonexperimental programs. Projects such as this one are great for the environment and for people. Since it is under a reservation system, visitors can come to hike, swim, picnic, and observe wildlife. Without these efforts, forests are going to continue shrinking. Near Oregon, where there once was two million acres of natural redwood forest, less than two hundred thousand acres remain. Logging and other heavy use of the trees can and will continue to devastate forests unless more is done to protect these essential and historic tree sanctuaries.
Howarth, William, Jane R. McCauley, H. R. Morrison, Jennifer C. Urquhart, and Merrill Windsor. America's Wild Woodlands. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1985. Print.

Recreation Helping People and Nature

In the National Park System’s report Health, Recreation, and Our National Parks, the benefits of recreation in national parks is discussed. The report states that the national parks are beginning to promote human-powered outdoor activities. These activities include hiking, walking, paddling, biking, camping, and fishing. Taking park in activities like these gives people a “mental and spiritual well-being, increased self-esteem, an appreciation for the natural and cultural environment in which the activity is taking place, and health benefits derived from involvement in physical activities.” The national parks have versatility in that they can be used by people of all ages and any gender. In the use of the national parks, people learn the history and importance that the parks stand for.
I agree with the report because the national parks allow a place for taking part in activities. The area is unlike anywhere else. Going to national parks is an escape from the hectic and stressful normal everyday life. Also, it gives a connection between man and nature. Even though recreation can have its harmful effects on the parks, the “human-powered” recreation has huge benefits for people and nature.

National Park System. Health, Recreation, and Our National Parks. Rep. American Trails, 26 Mar. 2006. Web. 21 Apr. 2010.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

0.5% of Forest Remains After Logging

In the Native Forest Council’s video, Exposing the Truth- Part 1 of 3, they show through Google Earth what forty years of logging has done to national forests. Logging areas are 80 to 90 acres in size and there are hundreds spread throughout almost all of America’s national parks. The clear cut logging removes all of the trees and leaves the land bare. The government does not seem to care about the land because they sell it for a loss and do not do anything to protect landmarks such as 500 year old trees. The video states, “The national forests provide a small fraction of our wood fiber consumption as a nation.” This shows that we could live without the logging or reduced logging of national forests. Only 2 million acres remain of the once 950 million original acres which is 0.5 percent.

The images in this video show the devastating impacts of logging. It is amazing to see the land 40 years ago before major logging started. What little land we have left should be conserved because the land that had already been logged will take hundreds of years to return to its previous state. If something is not done, we will continue wasting our nation’s history through this unnecessary business. I think that the government should reevaluate their priorities and see that our environment should be very close to the top of that list.

Exposing the Truth - Part 1 of 3. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Native Forest Council, 19 Aug. 2009. Web. 15 Apr. 2010. YouTube - Exposing the Truth - Part 1 of 3.

Environment and Economy Hurt by Logging

In Margot Higgins article, "National Forest Logging is Bad Business, Study Says," she writes about a study released in 2000 that shows that logging on national forest land not only hurts the environment, but also the economy. The report stated that national forests supply more than 530 million acres feet of clean water to cities. Also, the forests filter more than 53 million metric tons of carbon fiber from the atmosphere. The cost of the clean water and air is about 6.4 billion dollars a year. Logging, which removes large amounts of trees in national forests, takes away the natural filter and pollutes the water and air even more. The article states that “the federal logging program creates billions of dollars in unaccounted costs.” These costs are paid for by American taxpayers. The article also says that the money being reinvested in logging should instead be used for restoration of the environment.

This article adds even more emphasis for the need to limit uses of national forests as logging areas. If people are not worried about the environmental effects, they should definitely care about the economic effects. If so much money is being wasted on this harmful practice, why doesn’t somebody work to reduce how much is allowed? The trees make our life better by providing essential water and clean air. When the trees are removed, we are forced to find our own ways to get these necessities. It all could end up just wasting much more of American taxpayers’ money.

Higgins, Margot. "National Forest Logging Is Bad Business, Study Says - March 16, 2000." - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Environmental News Network, 16 Mar. 2010. Web. 15 Apr. 2010. - Nature - National forest logging is bad business, study says - March 16, 2000

Thursday, April 8, 2010

West Virginia Appalachian Mountains: National Forest or Wilderness

In the video, an association between the West Virginia Wilderness Coalition (WVWC) and the Campaign for America’s Wilderness (CAW), the preservation of the West Virginia Appalachian Mountains are discussed. The Monongahela National Forest in the Appalachian Mountains has been used for logging, mineral extraction, and recreation. Congress is considering making it national wilderness which would not allow logging or mining unlike national parks and forests. Mike Matz of the CAW says that the protection of land is much greater when it is labeled as wilderness. The Appalachians are a very biodiverse forest because of the combination of the northern and southern species. Dave Saville of the WVWC states, “This is a globally important ecosystem.” The protection from destructive uses would allow for more enjoyment.

I agree with trying to make the national forest into wilderness. Long-term logging and mining can have very severe effects on land. With fragile ecosystems like this, even the slightest changes can throw everything off balance. In the video, they say that only six percent of American is national wilderness. Compared to the growing level of industrial areas, that is not very much. More of the country’s national forests and parks should be declared wilderness. If not, there will be little land that is completely natural and untouched by humans.

"WVWC & CAW Talk Wilderness Preservation." Dave Saville and Mike Matz. YouTube. WVWC and CAW, 7 Aug. 2008. Web. 8 Apr. 2010. YouTube - WVWC & CAW talk wilderness preservation.

Ruins in Ruins

In Deborah Baker’s article, “National Parks: Special Program for Ruins in Ruins,” she writes about the Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico and the Frijoles Canyon. In the canyon, there are more than 1000 caves that were homes to people 500 years ago. Now, many of the caves are home to vandalism such as graffiti and carving. A park restoring program called Vanishing Treasures works to repair these damages and others. They put about one million dollars a year into park projects. In reference to the money, one of the managers said it was”just a drop in the bucket when it comes to preservation needs.” They use soot from fire to cover the graffiti and clay-like soils to fill in the carvings. Their efforts also help support the walls and discourage other vandals.

I think that vandalism like what is occurring in the caves is a complete waste of the natural land we have. This article shows that more need to be done to protect areas such as this one. If nothing is done, these areas will not be around to show the history for future generations. The Vanishing Treasures program will help, but it won’t solve all the problems. Wilderness and parks need to be conserved so that the public can see them for many more years to come.

Baker, Deborah. "National Parks: Special Program for Ruins in Ruins." USA TODAY. USA TODAY, 8 Sept. 2008. Web. 08 Apr. 2010. National parks: special program for ruins in ruins -

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bozeman Pass Project

In Alan Kesselheim’s article, “Safe Passage” in Montana Quarterly, he talks about Bozeman Pass and how it is disrupting the wildlife in the area it runs through. Bozeman Pass runs the 25 miles between Bozeman and Livingston through the Rocky Mountains. Since the pass is up in the mountains, it travels through the heart of many animals’ habitats. This has led to much roadkill of bears, deer, and mountain lions; almost 4,000 animals have been killed on the pass since 2000. Kesselheim discusses The Bozeman Pass Project is building culverts that tunnel under the interstate. The construction of these culverts has lowered the roadkill by almost 90 percent in some areas. Not only does the wildlife use the culverts but also fishermen and cowboys. When talking about the Craighead Environmental Research Institute, who runs the project, Kesselheim states, “Craighead and his staff concentrate on blending human and habitat needs” (43).

I agree with Kesselheim and his article. Many of the roads through the mountains were built before the wildlife impact was considered. Interstates like the Bozeman Pass have roadkill on them almost every day, but projects such as this can help change that. Many roads have even more animals on them, especially the roads that go through national parks. Without more attention brought to it, population size of some animals can be severely hurt by the major roads. Dodging 12,000 cars-a-day would be difficult, even for humans. Why do we expect animals to try?

Kesselheim, Alan S. "Safe Passage." Montana Quarterly Spring 2010: 40-45. Print.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Resources Hurt by Recreation

In David Cole’s publication “Resource Impacts Caused by Recreation,” he discusses how recreational uses of wilderness areas can affect the vegetation, wildlife, water, and soil. He talks about how campsites and hikers can trample vegetation and lure in unwanted pest wildlife. Also, fragile tree seedlings often die because they cannot survive under continuous trampling. This leads to less dense forests and loss of tree cover. Additionally, Cole states that off-road vehicles can cause erosion. ORV riders tend to go off trails to areas that have not been driven on. This makes the damage more widespread. Last, Cole says that because of such little knowledge of how plants and animals respond to trampling, it is difficult to make specific rules to protect them.
David Cole’s publication shows that recreation in wilderness areas can cause damage to many aspects that keep the balance of life. Human presence in these areas can trigger a major loss is small vegetation. If small trees cannot grow to be big, there will be nothing to replace the old trees that die. This shows that recreation is bad. Cole asserts, “In wilderness and nature preserves, impacts compromise the objective of preserving natural conditions” (2). What is the point of having national parks if we are not going to save them from harm of consistent use and abuse? Cole’s points give strong emphasis to the need to conserve wilderness.

United States. President's Commission on Americans Outdoors. “Resource Impacts Caused by Recreation.” David N. Cole. Systems for Environmental Management. Web. 24 Mar. 2010.