Thursday, April 29, 2010

Recreation Helping People and Nature

In the National Park System’s report Health, Recreation, and Our National Parks, the benefits of recreation in national parks is discussed. The report states that the national parks are beginning to promote human-powered outdoor activities. These activities include hiking, walking, paddling, biking, camping, and fishing. Taking park in activities like these gives people a “mental and spiritual well-being, increased self-esteem, an appreciation for the natural and cultural environment in which the activity is taking place, and health benefits derived from involvement in physical activities.” The national parks have versatility in that they can be used by people of all ages and any gender. In the use of the national parks, people learn the history and importance that the parks stand for.
I agree with the report because the national parks allow a place for taking part in activities. The area is unlike anywhere else. Going to national parks is an escape from the hectic and stressful normal everyday life. Also, it gives a connection between man and nature. Even though recreation can have its harmful effects on the parks, the “human-powered” recreation has huge benefits for people and nature.

National Park System. Health, Recreation, and Our National Parks. Rep. American Trails, 26 Mar. 2006. Web. 21 Apr. 2010.

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